Immerse yourself in the Eastern Edge movement, witnessing firsthand how Eastern York School District is pioneering the future of education by tailoring its approach to create scalable, modern, and personalized classrooms.

Our conference commences on Monday, February 26th with an exclusive opportunity to explore Eastern York School District through on-site visits. Here, you'll observe their innovative instructional model in action, delving deeply into the interconnected strategies that drive their vision of educational transformation.

These classroom visits offer a unique perspective on the process and the profound impact of fostering student ownership and agency. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the pivotal role of a common language and methodology, essential for effecting transformative change throughout classrooms, schools, and entire districts. Join us for this enlightening experience, where you'll witness education's future taking shape before your eyes.

Site Visit Pathways:

As the conference gets closer, please check back for information on Site Visit Pathways. Registrants will receive an email and a link to make selections for their site visit journey.

5 Schools

Digital Convergence Stage 7

5 Years in the Network

We encourage you to add our conference email address  to your contacts. This will help ensure that you receive timely updates and important announcements.